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Get instant results for your hair and skin problems with Burdock Oil, a super natural product made out of pure burdock roots. This is a non refined oil and this oil protects your skin as well as enhances your hair growth. Ideal for addressing issues such as hair loss, sensitive scalp and dry skin, Burdock Oil is a one stop solution for skincare.
Yes, Burdock Oil can be used on all kinds of hair; dry hair, oily hair, straight hair, or curly hair.
The recommended frequency is once or twice a week in order to reap the most benefits. Applying this oil regularly helps in fortifying the hair and fosters its growth.
Yes, for sure! Burdock Oil is a good moisturiser and enhances tightness and glow of the skin surfaces.
Definitely yes, this oil helps in maintaining normal hormonal balance in women, enables smooth complexion, and leads to healthier and smoother hair.
Burdock Oil, the go-to choice for Europe’s beauty industry not only gets rid of scars but can also be used to achieve a stunning glow with its anti-inflammatory properties.
Kostenloser Versand überall in der EU inklusive + GROSSE Rabatte für den gesamten Warenkorb € Wert
*Der Mengenrabatt gilt nicht für das Subscribe & Save 10% Programm
Ihr Gesamtwert im Warenkorb | Rabatt | Ermäßigter Preis |
€100,00 EUR | 20% | €12,76 EUR |
€200,00 EUR | 30% | €11,17 EUR |
€400,00 EUR | 35% | €10,37 EUR |
€600,00 EUR | 40% | €9,57 EUR |
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